Sign up for our Page to Platform Partners - Author Business Coaching

Page to Platform Partners - Author Business Coaching Program

Launch a business, not a book!

Page to Platform Partners - Author Business Coaching is a dynamic and comprehensive program designed to empower authors at every stage of their journey. Whether you're an aspiring writer with a manuscript in progress or an established author looking to expand your brand, our program offers a wealth of knowledge, practical skills, and support to help you thrive in the ever-evolving world of literature. From crafting a compelling author brand to mastering digital marketing, engaging with your readers, and monetizing your authorial identity, we cover it all. Join our community of driven authors, gain access to exclusive resources, and embark on a transformative path toward authorial success. Let's bring your literary dreams to life, one page at a time. 📚🚀

💻What's included in the program?💻

📚 Month 1: "Author Branding Essentials"📚 

📱 Month 2: "Mastering Social Media"📱 

🎨 Month 3: "Content Creation Mastery"🎨 

📈 Month 4: "Book Marketing Essentials"📈 

🤝 Month 5: "Engaging with Your Readers"🤝 

🌐 Month 6: "Expanding Your Author Platform"🌐 

💼 Month 7: "Monetizing Your Author Brand"💼 

🚀 Month 8: "Author Platform Growth Strategies"🚀 

📝 Month 9: "Navigating Challenges in Publishing"📝

🎁 Month 10: "Holiday Sales and Promotion" 🎁

🌟 Month 11: "Holiday Sales and Promotion Continued" 🌟

📦 Month 12: "Author Bundle Event Preparation" 📦

🎈 Month 13: "Author Bundle Event" 🎈

🎆 Month 14: "New Year, New Authorial Goals" 🎆

Key Takeaways from this Course


Upon completing the extended Page to Platform Partners - Author Business Coach workshop, authors will have gained a diverse range of skills and knowledge, empowering them to succeed in various aspects of their authorial journey. Here's what authors will be able to do:

  • Build a Strong Author Brand: Authors will have the ability to define and establish a compelling author brand that resonates with their target audience, setting the stage for a strong online presence.

  • Navigate the Digital Landscape: Authors will be proficient in navigating the digital realm, including setting up and maintaining an engaging author website and effectively utilizing social media platforms.

  • Craft Engaging Content: Participants will be skilled in creating engaging content, from blog posts to email newsletters, designed to connect with readers and build lasting relationships.

  • Master Book Marketing: Authors will have a well-rounded understanding of book marketing essentials, enabling them to create effective book launch plans and promotional strategies.

  • Connect with Their Reader Community: Participants will be adept at building and nurturing reader relationships through various engagement strategies and feedback collection.

  • Expand Their Author Platform: Authors will know how to expand their author platform by exploring podcast appearances, collaborations, newsletter development, and advanced social media strategies.

  • Monetize Their Author Brand: Authors will have the knowledge to monetize their author brand through merchandise, online courses, affiliate marketing, and additional income streams.

  • Understand Business Fundamentals: Participants will grasp important business fundamentals, including business registration, legal structures, tax planning, and bookkeeping for their author businesses.

  • Explore Author Guilds and Publishing Options: Authors will be informed about the benefits of joining author guilds, understand the differences between traditional and self-publishing, and explore hybrid publishing models.

  • Stay Ahead in the Author Industry: Participants will be equipped to stay ahead of the game in the competitive author industry by staying updated with industry trends and strategies.

  • Pursue Continuing Education: Authors will recognize the value of lifelong learning and know where to access resources for ongoing author education.

  • Prepare for and Participate in Annual Author Events: Participants will be able to plan, prepare for, and actively engage in annual author events, including author showcases, conventions, and sales opportunities.

In summary, completing this workshop empowers authors with a comprehensive skill set and the confidence to thrive in the modern authorial landscape, from branding and content creation to business management, publishing options, and ongoing education. It sets them on a path toward authorial success and long-term growth.

Subhead Text

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